
Rank: 855 / 1275

2 selected articles

What is Bitcoin and Should You Buy It? | Experian

Bitcoin is the largest and best known peer-to-peer digital currency or cryptocurrency, meaning it is produced by computer programming rather than governments (like the U.S. dollar) or dug up from the ground (like gold and other precious metals). Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a person or persons using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Trying to uncover who's behind bitcoin has become a game itself...

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Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Are They Safe?| Experian ...

Bitcoin made news recently by surpassing the $11,000 price barrier, up from under $1,500 at the start of 2017.

That's the good news--if you own Bitcoins. The bad news is that there are unique ways you can lose money--and indirectly lose critical personal data--when trading Bitcoin, if you don't know what you're doing. (See also: What Is Bitcoin and Should You Buy It? )

Make no mistake,...

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