MyBitcoins gadget -

retrieves data from up to three bitcoin pools

retrieves BTC-USD exchange rate from a bitcoin exchange

uses The Free Currency Converter API to convert USD to any other world currency of your choice

Accepts arbitrary correction amount (positive or negative) which is added to the bitcoin amount. This is where you can, for example, enter total amount of the bitcoins you bought if you wish it to be...

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Date: 2017-11-03 17:06:46

Software - Bitcoin Wiki

Bitdollar - Cliente C++/Qt, version beta inestable


BCCAPI (API del cliente Bitcoin) - una libreria java diseñada para desarrollar clientes livianos y seguros.

Datos para Comercio de Bitcoin

Bitcoin Charts - Precios, volumen y graficos completos sobre todos los mercados virtuales de Bitcoin.

MtGox Live - An innovative chart showing a live feed of MtGox trades and market depth. (Must Use...

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Date: 2015-06-14 10:39:19

Crypto Currency Tracker | Make: - Make: DIY Projects and ...

Make: Projects

Crypto Currency Tracker

A real-time tracker that routinely refreshes with the current values of your favorite digital currencies. Currently supported are Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Litecoin.

Don't have this issue? Get it in the Maker Shed .

The Crypto Currency Tracker monitors the value of three different digital currencies -- Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin -- and compares them each...

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Mastering Bitcoin, Chapter 2: How Bitcoin Works - Atlas Beta

blockr Block Reader

Each of these has a search function that can take an address, transaction hash, or block number and find the equivalent data on the bitcoin network and blockchain. With each example, we will provide a URL that takes you directly to the relevant entry, so you can study it in detail.

Bitcoin Overview

In the overview diagram shown in Figure�2-1 , we see that the bitcoin system...

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Oraclize Documentation



The URL data source type enables access to any API or web page on the Internet. It supports both HTTP GET and HTTP POST request. If only one parameters is specified in the query, the service will default to perform an HTTP GET request. If a second parameter is specified, then the service will perform an HTTP POST request, posting the second parameter as data. Note that if the second...

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Date: 2017-12-28 16:08:35

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