
Rank: 1040 / 1843

4 selected videos

My first purchase using bitcoins!


I just made a purchase from using bitcoins! I didn't have to go through all the BS of setting up a credit card or dealing with the risk of having my credit card information stolen, like that fiasco that happened at Target a few months ago. I just setup my address, popped open my android bitcoin wallet program, scanned the QR code and Boom! I was done. No muss no fuss, LOL.

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Related topics : purchase bitcoins with credit card / all used bitcoin addresses / bitcoin credit card wallet

MGTOW - Generate bitcoin paper wallets

How to generate paper wallets.

Don't keep your bitcoins on an exchange or a hot wallet in a computer that's connected to the Internet. They cold get hacked.

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Related topics : generate a bitcoin wallet / get a bitcoin wallet

Is wall street manipulating the Bitcoin price?

I suspect financial interests are now manipulating the Bitcoin price so they can make big profits on the new futures exchanges. This shouldn't be a problem though.

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Related topics : bitcoin price exchange