
Rank: 1565 / 1843

2 selected videos

LIVE Bitcoin Trading - Price Charts: Staying Up Longer and Less Premature Drops - We all hate premature drops. It's embarrassing. You get in and then have to get out and no one is satisfied, not you, not the market. It all starts when you have all these ALT coins running around flaunting their lovely pumps and you get all excited. You jump all in it and then sure enough... premature dump.

We've all been there and seen it happen though many make some good gains, most are smaller amounts and those who don't gain tend to become bag holders or lose a...

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LIVE Bitcoin Trading - Red Bloody Candles on the Charts - The bears are delighted at the moment. They will be touting how they saw this coming and how great their charts are. Well whether that is true or not there is definitely long, bloody red candles on the chart today. There were several news stories that broke out today that were negative, even if they really weren't all that important. It's all about the headlines and alot people trading BTC don't seem to read much more than just that. So, the rest of us have to trade...

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