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3 selected videos

Getting the ECDSA Z Value from a Bitcoin Single Input Transaction

In this video I demonstrate getting the ECDSA Z value from a bitcoin transaction with only one input. I also show the R and S values.

The ECDSA R, S and Z values are used throughout the many layers of bitcoin to validate a transaction, The Z value is also sometimes referred to as the signed message. Transactions that don't contain valid inputs can be safely ignored, and the Z value is one of the properties that is used to check validity.

This video shows me dissecting a very basic transaction...

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Getting the ECDSA Z Value from a Bitcoin Multiple Input Transaction

In this video I demonstrate getting the ECDSA Z value from a bitcoin transaction with 2 inputs. I also show the R and S values.

The ECDSA R, S and Z values are used throughout the many layers of bitcoin to validate a transaction. The Z value is also sometimes referred to as the signed message. Transactions that don't contain valid inputs can be safely ignored and the Z value is one of the properties that is used during the transaction validation process.

The urls I show in this video...

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Getting the ECDSA Z Value from a Single Input Multi Signature Transaction

In this video I demonstrate getting the ECDSA Z value from a bitcoin transaction containing a multi signature input. I also show the R and S values.

The ECDSA R, S and Z values are used throughout the many layers of bitcoin to validate a transaction. The Z value is also sometimes referred to as the signed message. Transactions that don't contain valid inputs can be safely ignored and the Z value is one of the properties that is used during the transaction validation process.

The urls I used...

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