Oscar Chambers

Rank: 1634 / 1843

2 selected videos

Bitcoin/Altcoin Developer Guide - 5 - Scripting Language, Block Serialization and OpCodes

In these tutorials I teach you how become a bitcoin/altcoin developer. I will be going through the entire bitcoin developer reference and in each tutorial I will explain one or more key concepts involving bitcoin and altcoin developing.

This one is about the serialization of blocks, bitcoin's scripting language and the Op codes used within it.

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Bitcoin/Altcoin Developer Guide - 4 - Proof of Work, SHA256, Target Threshold

In these tutorials I teach you how become a bitcoin/altcoin developer. I will be going through the entire bitcoin developer reference and in each tutorial I will explain one or more key concepts involving bitcoin.

This one is all about the prrof of work algorithm, which you can think of as the way that bitcoin and many altcoins mine and verify the blocks in their blockchains. I also go into some detail about SHA256, the target threshold and nBits.

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