bitcoin-script - npm

JavaScript implementation of Script, Bitcoin's scripting language, along with a Script Playground, deployed here . See my blog post for more.

The original ES6 source can be found on GitHub .


This package can be used to evaluate Bitcoin scripts as follows:




(Note: here, OP_VERIFY could be excluded, as...

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Bitcoin Exchange Script | Bitcoin Currency Exchange Script ...

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Offers robust development support for 'bitcoin php website' such...

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Bitcoin Exchange Script | Bitcoin Currency Exchange Script ...

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Offers robust development support for 'bitcoin php website' such...

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Developer Guide - Bitcoin

For example, to verify transaction D was added to the block , an SPV client only needs a copy of the C, AB, and EEEE hashes in addition to the merkle root ; the client doesn't need to know anything about any of the other transactions. If the five transactions in this block were all at the maximum size, downloading the entire block would require over 500,000 bytes--but downloading three hashes...

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Date: 2017-12-07 11:10:21

Related topics : bitcoin signature script / bitcoin transactions per block / bitcoin wallet address private key / bitcoin wallet private key generator / all bitcoin private keys with balance

Using the blockchain as a digital signature scheme ...

Bitcoin uses digital signatures (ECDSA) to prove ownership of funds, so sending bitcoins requires the owner of them to digitally sign authorizing the transfer. This transaction is sent to Bitcoin's public network and later recorded in Bitcoin's public database (blockchain), so anyone can verify it by checking its digital signature.

Beyond that, Bitcoin has a scripting opcode called OP_RETURN that...

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Exploiting Bitcoin's SIGHASH_SINGLE signature type | Jon Cave

Exploiting Bitcoin's SIGHASH_SINGLE signature type

Coinspect, a new Bitcoin focused security company, recently disclosed technical details of an attack against Copay's multisignature wallets . At the same time they issued a challenge to recover the Bitcoins that had been used to test the Copay exploit. This post will go over the details of this challenge and how to solve it.

When the challenge...

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Date: 2014-08-08 21:00:09

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Mastering Bitcoin – O’Reilly Media

Ownership of bitcoin is established through digital keys, bitcoin addresses, and digital signatures. The digital keys are not actually stored in the network, but are instead created and stored by users in a file, or simple database, called a wallet. The digital keys in a user's wallet are completely independent of the bitcoin protocol and can be generated and managed by the user's wallet software...

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advanced multi-signature Bitcoin technology -

Abra launches new multi-signature wallet for holding digital assets using Bitcoin

Bill Barhydt - Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

I'm excited to announce Abra's new Bitcoin-based multi-signature wallet for holding, sending and exchanging between digital assets, starting with ether and 52 fiat currencies as the first supported asset types. These updates, currently live for a limited number of users,...

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Bitcoin Core :: Segregated Witness Benefits

Gavin Andresen summarising the thread

Script versioning

Changes to Bitcoin's script allow for both improved security and improved functionality. However, the design of script only allows backwards-compatible (soft-forking) changes to be implemented by replacing one of the ten extra OP_NOP opcodes with a new opcode that can conditionally fail the script, but which otherwise does nothing. This is...

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Date: 2017-11-15 03:06:15

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The Cryptography of Bitcoin : Inside 245-5D - ezyang

The Cryptography of Bitcoin

It is actually surprisingly difficult for a layperson to find out precisely what cryptography Bitcoin uses, without consulting the source of Bitcoin directly. For example, the opcode OP_CHECKSIG , ostensibly checks the signature of something... but there is no indication what kind of signature it checks! (What are opcodes in Bitcoin? Well it turns out that the protocol...

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Making Sense of Bitcoin Transaction Fees - Bitzuma

Making Sense of Bitcoin Transaction Fees

By Rich Apodaca | Updated

October 21st, 2017

A competitive fee must be added to every Bitcoin transaction. Failure to do so can result in loss of time, money, or both. But overpayment can also cost you money. Fees may seem irrational or unnecessarily complex. This article breaks fees down in detail, and includes a discussion of how using segwit can reduce...

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Date: 2017-12-19 17:18:45

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portable version to MacBook Sierra get Qt Bitcoin Trader ...

Qt Bitcoin Trader

- Browse /SRC at SourceForge Follow the official guide to install the Raspbian image to your Raspberry: raspberrypi/documentation/installation/installing-images/ Review ... Qt, #Bitcoin Trader,buggy ,help, #find " .,10.12.2; OneDrive official GitHub - BillAmos/QtBitcoinTrader: Secure Multi Trading Client And if you have iPhone you can see the app before the official release by...

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Bitcoin Investment Trust - Investing In Bitcoin - eBitInvest®

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Bitcoins bitcoin btc double bitcoin double btc double my btc...

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