Tax treatment of bitcoin - Taxation | Your partner in tax ...

After some understandable delays, HMRC announced the UK tax treatment of bitcoin in Revenue and Customs Brief 9/2014: Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies.


The VAT treatment of bitcoin is provisional because it will depend on what the EU decides. HMRC state that acquisitions by mining are outside the scope of VAT because mining does not constitute an economic activity. Income received by miners...

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Date: 2017-12-20 05:08:09

How much does it cost to mine Bitcoins? | The Daily Dot

| Last updated

2015-12-11 12:43 pm

Bitcoin mining�looks, on first blush, to be money for nothing. It's not. It's a false promise.

Last week's� Bitcoin �crash has investors running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Now more people than ever are considering Bitcoin mining--using software to pluck the currency from thin air. It looks, on first blush, to be money for nothing. It's not. It's a false promise.

The way the currency is constructed, new Bitcoins are unlocked by "miners" devoting computing power to solving complex equations. When an equation is solved, new coins are generated.

If tossing a few bytes of computing data in the Bitcoin...

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Related topics : bitcoin mining computer power / new bitcoin like currency / bitcoin new currency / bitcoin mining computer / bitcoins total mined

"The Great Bitcoin Bull Market Of 2017" - Run To Gold

The Great Bitcoin Bull Market Of 2017

Posted 26 Nov 2017

I just got back from a two week vacation without Internet as I was scouring some archeological ruins. I hardly thought about Bitcoin at all because there were so many other interesting things and it would be there when I got back.

Jimmy Song suggested I do an article on the current state of Bitcoin. A great suggestion but he is really smart...

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Date: 2017-11-27 14:44:53

A Brief History of Bitcoin - And where it's ... - Dataconomy

The money in your pockets has three basic traits - it's tangible, centrally regulated and easy to counterfeit. Bitcoin is the exact reversal of it. Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that operates independently without banking institutions and the government meddling into its affairs. There's nothing physical about it - it's all virtual!

It's non-tangible, but renders gains for real. It flows freely, without anyone/anything controlling and tracking its footprints. And everyday monetary influences, be it either inflation or deflation, don't regulate it, as its value is totally determined by market demand.

More importantly, Bitcoin transactions are...

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